Portal Plantão Brasil
19/2/2015 09:54


Embora faça parte do consórcio internacional de jornalistas investigativos, Amaury foi escanteado

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1194 visitas - Fonte: Conversa Afiada

O Conversa Afiada reproduz carta que o jornalista Amaury Ribeiro Jr, autor do best seller Privataria Tucana? a quem considera responsável pela decisão de entregar o lavadores e dinheiro do Brasil à Fel-lha, através de sua empresa o portal UOL.

Amaury sempre integrou o ICIJ – -, o consórcio internacional de jornalistas investigativos, mas, dessa vez, não recebeu a lista.

Ele lamenta que, até agora, o PiG só tenha divulgado o nome de réus da Lava Jato.

Leia a carta de Amaury, num inglês confeccionado, a quatro mãos, por ele e William Shakespeare:

Dear Mrs. Walker,

My name is Amaury Ribeiro Júnior and I`m a writer, Investigative Journalism Chief of Record TV from Brazil and member of ICIJ since its foudation in 1997. Another member of ICIJ Mr. Calmon (Rosenthal Calmon is his name) – a friend of mine - has appointed you to make this contact. Since ICIJ has decided to publish the Political accounts in Switzerland, my telephone hasn t stop ringing.

Journalists from all over Brazil say that the UOL – Brazil Site in internet – site chosen by ICIJ to publish this issue, only released the names of politians from left wing parties, freeing the so-called neoliberal politians names supported by he mainstream media. I was wondering if, as a member of ICIJ, I could count on your help to see and to get the list with all those names of these politians – regardless the political party since these names are related to banking accounts that have been in the Federal Brazilian Policy targets. Those politians should also been accused to be envolve in laundry money cases. I would be very grateful with your help.

It is important to say that I have been devoted my journalism carrear during all those 30 years of profession to publish reports about laundry money topics. I have also published books about this issue : Privataria Tucana is the name of one of my own publication about this topic. This book has over two hundred thousand copies sold in Brazil. Another book is O Lado Sujo do Futebol, which I wroted with three other colegues from Record TV .This especif book revealed several cases of money laundering.

I would be very glad to send you those books as a colegue of ICIJ. Please send me any address of you.

Please, feel free to make me any questions about what I am looking for.

Thank you so much in advance and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Amaury Ribeiro Jr.


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